
I'm a writer living in Oklahoma. I hope the "blog experience" will be a good one for me. With my over-active imagination, I can easily pretend thousands of people have become instant fans. Thank you for the opportunity to delude myself that anyone actually agrees with me.

Friday, August 06, 2010

A Year Later

Okay, I just ran across this blog and realized it was exactly one year ago today that I last posted. So, how about an update?
We're all doing okay. It's still hard to think that Mom has been gone 2 1/2 years. So much has changed and yet, still the same. I went through the old posts again and remembered her. It's so nice to see her words/comments and think of her. No wonder I miss her so much! She said so many supportive comments that I wonder how I felt like I was always doing the wrong thing all the time. I'd sure love to hear a few words of encouragement from her today, but I read the old ones and pretended they were new! :)
I'm still writing and still wondering about that fabulous elusive job. But I did fall into Teaching in Graduate School and I'm still teaching. I do love it, but the pay could be wayyyy better in a "real" job, I know. Still, some things you do for love, not money, right?
Cary and I have settled into our own home, but still hoping for kids of our own. We are still trying with our Art and that's what's important, too. Rachael is 18 and living her own life (without me) and that makes me sad, but it's the way of the world.