
I'm a writer living in Oklahoma. I hope the "blog experience" will be a good one for me. With my over-active imagination, I can easily pretend thousands of people have become instant fans. Thank you for the opportunity to delude myself that anyone actually agrees with me.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Hey you guys, Sorry I haven't posted in a loooong while.

I've had loads of company since Rachael was here. First my mother, father and brother-in-law came to visit for a few days. We went to Pelican Bay, Frontier City, and the Zoo on our whirlwind last vacation before school starts. Lots of fun but totally exhausting. Plus, I felt really bad cause Cary had to work all but one of the days they were visiting. We did play lots of poker, though. Texas Hold 'Em is soooo addictive, now if only we could play with 'real' money!

After my housefull left, my Godson came to visit. I ended up back at the Zoo again. We had lots of fun! I lucked out too cause the Zoo has Wayback Wednesday's and it only cost me 3 dollars for admission and all-day tram tickets for the both of us. We used the extra dough to buy some nectar and fed the Lorikeets! I'll post up some zoo pictures soon! Gerik got caca'd on by one of the lorikeets and I got pecked on the finger by one really aggressive bird, but other than that the other ones were docile and flew right up to you. They ate right out of our hand--so cool!

Gerik's momma is my best friend and her life is full of so much drama that even I get exhausted from it all. (Sorry Mary, if you're reading this) But I had to share this because really it's too funny! So Mary's current man is a really nice guy, but lets just say that he has some Expensive Habits. It's more that he's not matured yet. And to be honest he is 11 years younger than her. So the potential for relationship "issues" existed long before the actual issues appeared. After nine months of on-again/off-again, she's finally had it with the whole thing. I say this with my lips clamped tightly together because I've heard this song before. But here's the funny part, every time things get a little rough, Prince Charming runs over to his Mama's Castle, we'll just call her the Queen for our storytelling purposes okay. So tonight, the Queen takes it upon herself to come over to Mary's house and tell her off. Okay, I've heard of mama's boys, but this is really too much. When she told me about it she was laughing but I know that she was deeply offended. The Queen told Mary that she should:

A) Not try to change Prince Charming into something he's not--( excuse me? get your driver's license and a GED is NOT trying to change someone, it's just a suggestion for improvement!) Apparently, the Queen feels that Prince Charming is NEVER going to change his ways. What an opinion to have of your own son !

B) Clean her house--(oh yes, you heard me right!) I have it on good authority that the Queen's castle is ten times worse than Mary's, too. She said Mary needed to get a steam cleaner! hehehe

C) Put Gerik on medication for ADD. (Well, this suggestion might not be completely wrong, but what say we get the boy diagnosed before we start drugging him up?)

D) That Mary needed to call Prince Charming and apologize immediately for everything. (Huh?) The Queen told Mary that she needed to have a nice long talk with Prince Charming because talking things over is a "Caucasion thing" to do. (Excuse me? Apparently, Seminole/Creek American Indians don't discuss things over with each other--who knew?)

Why Mary didn't throw this Queen out on her royal ass, I will never understand. She said she just laughed because she was so shocked. The idea that this woman thought she could tell two grown people how to manage their lives is astounding. The nerve of her is daunting. Would you want a woman like that for a Mother-in-law?

I told Mary that that should have clinched the whole topic for her at once. Tied the whole relationship up in a nice little package with a pretty little bow. Nice and ready for the trash.

Bless her heart.


  • At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mary should get a real man in her life and get over him and if hes that imature that he hes to go crieng to his mom than hes not good enough for her!!mary you can do better~

  • At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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