
I'm a writer living in Oklahoma. I hope the "blog experience" will be a good one for me. With my over-active imagination, I can easily pretend thousands of people have become instant fans. Thank you for the opportunity to delude myself that anyone actually agrees with me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Just Finished Reading Harry Potter. . .

Well, I just finished reading Harry Potter and all I will say is *sigh*. Thanks Mike for sending it to me! I won't spoil it for anyone. I will say this, even though J.K. Rowling is heavy on the adverbs, her storytelling ability far outweighs the problems with her style. Isn't that what a good book is all about anyway? THE STORY?! If the story flows well and is compelling enough to hold a twelve-year-old's attention for 862 page (at least six times over) then who cares if she uses words in the wrong context; stuffs every sentence with "ly" words like gently, morosely, robustly, etc; loads her dialogue with ". . ." and "----"; and borrows much of her material from well-established folklore? She does it with grace and ingenuity, turning old phrases, names, and myths into something so fresh and interesting her fans would be hard pressed to admit that she hadn't made it all up herself. I for one love her simplistic style coupled with the complex storyline she's set to paper. I hear she's richer than the Queen of England because of the books! Did you hear that mom? Richer than the Queen! There's hope for me yet! I can't wait for that kind of awe-inspiring story to pop into my head.


  • At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Richer than the Queen???????? Heeeeee Well there you go, get busy with your book writing !!!!
    Love ya! MOM


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