
I'm a writer living in Oklahoma. I hope the "blog experience" will be a good one for me. With my over-active imagination, I can easily pretend thousands of people have become instant fans. Thank you for the opportunity to delude myself that anyone actually agrees with me.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

I Wannabe a Princess!

I’ve always loved Princess stories, especially as an adult. I know that sounds really odd, but then I’ve never been accused of being "normal" by adult standards. For example, I believe in fairies, unicorns, ghosts, aliens, and time travel (however, I believe that most time travel happens quite by accident and therein lies the differing of my opinion from other weirdos, say Trekkies and suchlike.) Now, as I said before, I loved Princess stories as a child and that love has grown instead of diminished as I became an adult. Here are five good reasons why:

1) Princesses are rarely ugly. None of them ever seem to suffer from gangliness, bony elbows, acne, and split-ends like the rest of us mortals. And don’t try to point out that the Ugly Stepsisters were princesses also, because they really weren’t; they were merely wannabes like the rest of us.

2) True Friends. Princesses may suffer some kind of loss or hardship, but they always had kind friends to see them through-whether it was a Godmother (See reason number 4 below for more on Fairy Godmothers), mice, lobsters, or dwarves. There were always sea/forest-dwellers of some kind that helped alleviate their troubles. How many of us stared into the soulful eyes of our puppies/kittens and begged them to go ahead and speak to us and we promise we won’t tell anyone their secret?

3) Princesses are also smart. Rarely are there any stupid Princesses. Okay, Rapunzel was duped into staying in her tower and it took her a mighty long time to devise a way out, but trickery plays a large part in the troubles of Princesses. Anybody can fall prey to believing an untruth if the liar is believable or magical enough to convince us, and therefore, even Rapunzel can be excused. Usually, though Princesses are the whole package and they use their head to find a way out of danger. What would have happened to Cinderella if she’d chucked the other glass slipper? Thankfully, she was smart enough to hang onto the evidence!

4) Fairy Godmothers. A magical woman who shows up just when we really need her and helps us fix all our problems? Plus she’s a powerful woman who can dress us up, give us transportation, impart sage advice, provide emotional support AND sing us a rhyming song? Who wouldn’t love that! Okay, most of us just call her Mom. However, not every mother is that kind of woman, let’s be honest.

5) True Love. A little something I like to call Happily Ever After. For every Princess there’s that one independently wealthy, love-crazed man who puts her upon her (rightful) pedestal, treats her like a Queen and wouldn’t dare ever throw his dirty tights on the floor and expect her to pick them up and wash them. What a man! They don’t call him “Charming” for nothing, either. This guy shows up with flowers and spouts love poetry on request. He is always concerned about her well-being and would never accidently insult her by saying her butt is taking up too much room in the coach!

So there you have it five great reasons to be a Princess, as if the job title alone isn't enough!


  • At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is very funny. I can't wait to read more.

    Your biggest fan

  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really enjoyed reading your childhood stories, some I had forgotten.Looking foreward to reading more.

    Your oldest fan
    HA! HA!

  • At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



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